Compile By Hand

Basic arithmetic

g = h + A[8]; 
// r0 stores A array; r1 stores h; r2 to store g.
ADD r0, r0, #32
LDR r3, [r0]
@ r0 = &A + 8 * 4, since int is of 4 bytes.
LDR r3, [r0, #32]

Accessing arrays

void foo (int *p, int size){
    // p stored in r2, size stored in r1
    *p = 0; 
    *(p + 1) = 0;
    *(p + size - 1) = 0;
MOV r2, #0; @ store 0 in *p
STR r2, [r0] @ *p = 0
MOV r3, #4
ADD r4, r0, r3 @ p + 1 in C
STR r2, [r4] @ store 0 in *(p + 1)
SUB r1, r1, #1 @ r1  = size - 1
MUL r4, r1, r3 @ r4 = r1 * r3
STR r2, [r0, r4] @ store 0 in *(p + size - 1)

Data transfer instructions

void swap (int *x, int *y){
    // x stored in r0, y stored in r1
    int tmp = *x;
    *x = *y;
    *y = tmp;
LDR r2, [r0] 
@ Load *x from memory and store in r2
LDR r3, [r1]
@ Load *y from memory and store in r3
STR r3, [r0]
@ Store r3 in register to *x in memory
MOV r2, [r1]
@ Store r2 (tmp) in register to *y in memory

Linked lists

head -> value = 100;
head -> *next -> value = 100; 
// r0 stores the first value
MOV r1, #100
STR r1, [r0] @ store to memory
LDR r3, [r0, #4] @ store 100 to next value
STR r1, [r3]
Published on October 26, 2015