
Learning Angular

Coming from Java background and start coding in JavaScript seriously for the first time, well, not the first if previous work with Express.js counts, I do appreciate the convenience and new concepts Angular gives me. And after all, this simple blog app that shows Markdown format of user post in HTML, and the end of struggle of various errors/bugs are worth celebrating.

Here’s what I did:

Here are the challenges I encountered:

There was a bug that’s nagging me for days, and it’s a simple mistake that providers declaration in a component creates a new service apart from the one in root. So there are two service running in the background. The debugging was painstaking and took two days. And it made me have a deeper understanding of JavaScript reference, and the break of which led me to the finding of the bug.

Published on November 26, 2018

I Ain’t A Gambler

Last 500 days were like a mad train that refuses to ever stop.

Key dates:

11/25/2016 First order to buy 20 shares AMD stocks

05/19/2017 Brokerage account with IB was approved

02/05/2018 The worst performing week ever for me

Apparently, through the up and down of prices, I’ve lost the direction of life. I lost time; I lost money; and I got my first-ever C in college. I get greedy at the top and I suffer from fear at the bottom. Though trading is not the only thing that I regret doing, it turns out to be the culprit of my worsening health and academics. The addictive thought of speculation contributed to some bad decisions I made for my life, as I was ill-prepared for day trading, with an especially bad timing. Nonetheless, I do not hate the market. In fact, it has taught me much: I’ve seen a listed product lose 95% of value in a day; I’ve endured the day when I suffer 300% loss for shorting VIX; and I’ve made thousands out of option trading. However those experiences did not help me become whom I aspire to be: I became a gambler although I knew I ain’t one, not knowing trading was itself a failed financial decision no matter how much I earn out of it.

Despite all, life does not stop here. I have to move on from the mess I created, and it has to be as fast as $XIV drops on the first Monday in February 2018.

Hanwen Zhang

03/06/2018 – SAN DIEGO, Calif

Published on March 6, 2018


Hardware stacks

Area of memory that grows and shrinks according to the LIFO (last in, first out) principle

Stack models

There are four models of different position sp register points.

Full Ascending

Empty Ascending

Full Descending

Empty Descending

AAPCS specifies Full Descending stack, 8-byte width.

Stack pointer points to an address divisible by 8, say, 0x400.
In the block of 0x400, there are 8 bytes. The next block is 0x408.

Store multiple decrement before (overwrite)

STMDB sp!, {r0, r1}
SUB sp, sp, #8
STR r0, [sp]
STR r1, [sp, #4]
push {r0, r1}

STM can operate on other registers, whilst push only operates on the stack pointer.

STMDB sp!, {r0, r1}
ADD sp, sp, #8 
@ equivalent to pop, but pop doesn't work here.
LDMIA sp!, {r0, r1}
@ increment after (pop)
Published on November 20, 2015


Basic Char syntax

?\a ⇒ 7                 ; control-g, C-g
?\b ⇒ 8                 ; backspace, BS, C-h
?\t ⇒ 9                 ; tab, TAB, C-i
?\n ⇒ 10                ; newline, C-j
?\v ⇒ 11                ; vertical tab, C-k
?\f ⇒ 12                ; formfeed character, C-l
?\r ⇒ 13                ; carriage return, RET, C-m
?\e ⇒ 27                ; escape character, ESC, C-[
?\s ⇒ 32                ; space character, SPC
?\\ ⇒ 92                ; backslash character, \
?\d ⇒ 127               ; delete character, DEL
Published on November 20, 2015

Bitwise Instructions



A XOR 0 = A

ANDAND r0, r1,r2r0 = r1 & r2;
ORORR r0, r1, r2r0 = r1 || r2;
XOREOR r0, r1, r2r0 = r1 ^ r2;
BICBIC r0, r1, r2r0 = r1 & (~r2)
NOTMVN r0, r1r0 = ~r1


MVN r0, #0

-1 is stored in r0.

#0 is automatically extended to 32 bits of 0’s. Flipping 32 0’s to 32 1’s gets -1 in two’s complement.

ADD r3, r0, r1

r1 is the mask.

Bit shifts and multiplication


Logical shift by n bits – unsigned multiplication by 2n

LSL r0, r0, #4

The above code multiplies r0 with 24, i.e. 16.


Logical shift by n bits – unsigned division by 2n


Arithmetic shift by n bits – signed division by 2n


Logical rotate by n bits – 32 bit rotate

ror r1, r0, #1

Rotate amount is non-negative.
Shift 4 bits: r0 = 0x12345678, r1 would be 0x81234567.
Shift 8 bits: r0 = 0x12345678, r1 would be 0x78123456.

LSLLSL r0, r1, #nr0 = r1 << n;
LSRLSR r0, r1, #nr0 = (unsigned int) r1 >> n;
ASRASR r0, r1, #nr0 = r1 >> n;

Reverse subtract, used for easier multiplication

RSB r0, r1, r2
@ r0 = r2 - r1
RSB r10, r9, r9, LSL #3
@ r10 = r9 * (8 - 1)

Addressing modes

ADD r0, r1, r2, LSL #2
@ r0 = r1 + (r2 << 2)
LSL r2, r2, #r2
ADD r0, r1, r2
LDR r0, [r1, r2]
@ r0 = [r1 + r2]
LDR r0, [r1, r2, LSL #n] @ LSL applied to r2
ADD r0, r1, #0xff, #8
@ r0 = r1 + 0xff000000
@ performs ROR, #8 is the rot
ADD r2, r2, LSL, #2
@ r2 = 5 * r2
Published on November 6, 2015

ARM Nested Procedures

Nested Procedures

int sumSquare(int x, int y){
    return (mult(x, x) + y);
push {r4-r11, lr}
MOV r4, r1
MOV r1, r0
BL mult
ADD r0, r0, r4
pop {r4-r11, lr}
BX lr @ then?
MOV r0, #2
MOV r1, #3
BL sumSquare
MOV r3, r0

Without pushing lr, calling another function overwrites it.

String constants in ARM

x = 0xaabbccdd;
printf("%d\n", x);
// how printf works
%int printf(const char *format, ...)
Where to store
  1. String “%d\n” — in data segment
  2. Value 0xaabbccdd —
String formats (unfinished)



mystr: .asciz "%d\n"
mynum: .word 0xaabbccdd

push {lr}
LDR r0, =mystr 
@ location with label mystr is store in r0
LDR r1, =mynum
LDR r1, [r1]
BL printf
pop {lr}
BX lr


.align 2

mystr is placed in a location that is a multiple of 2^2 = 4.

Data objects should start at memory addresses that are divisible by the size of the data object

struct p {
    char x;
    int y;
struct p sp;

In this case, sizeof(p) is 8. int should be aligned.


Published on November 2, 2015

ARM Loops

While loops

while (a < 0){
loop: CMP r0, #0
      BGE end
      ADD r0, r0, #1 @ Body of loop
      B loop
@ Equivalent to above
loop: CMP r0, #0
      ADDLT r0, r0, #1
      BLT loop
Do while
do {
} while (a < 0);
@ loop part different to while loop
loop: ADD r0, r0, #1 @ body of 'do'
      CMP r0, #0
      BLT loop
For loops
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){
MOV r0, #0
loop: CMP r0, #10
      BGE end
      ADD r1, r1, #1
      SUB r2, r2, #1
      B loop
@ Equivalent to above
MOV r0, #0
loop: CMP r0, #10
      ADDLT r1, r1, #1
      SUBLT r2 ,r2, #1
      ADDLT r0, r0, #1
      BLT loop

C functions

Caller and callee functions:

main() {
// main in this case is a caller
    int a = 10, b = 20;
    int c = sum(a, b);
int sum(int x, y){
// sum is a callee
    return x + y;
Steps in function call
  1. Pass parameters (using registers)
  2. Call functions (sum)
  3. Compute return value, put it in the right register
  4. Transfer control back to caller (return)

1 and 2 are in main();

Making the function call
BL sum @ function call
BX @ return
B sum
sum: ADD r0, r0, r1
B return_loc



lr (link register): register reserved to store the return address

BL sum 
sum: ADD r0, r0, r1
BX lr ; MOV pc,lr i.e., return
Passing arguments
main() {
    int a = 10, b = 20, c;
    c = sum(a, b);
MOV r0, #20
MOV r1, #20
BL sum

ADD r0, r0, r1 @ return value in r0
BX lr
Register conventions

A set of generally accepted rules as to which registers are guaranteed to be unchanged after a procedure call and which may be changed.

r0 – r3

Arguments and return values, otherwise corruptible.

r4 – r11

Callee has to make sure that the value in r4-r11 are unchanged by it.

r12 scratch register
Push and pop

Push registers onto, and pop registers off a full descending stack (usually within function call).

push {r4-r11}
pop {r4-r11}
Published on October 30, 2015

Directed Acyclic Graphs

Def Directed graph with no cycles are called directed acyclic graphs.

Lemma 1: every DAG has at least one source (proof by contradiction)

Lemma 2: If v is a souce vertex of G, then G is a DAG if and only if G-v is a DAG

Find topological ordering

While G has at least one vertex
If G has some source,
Choose one source and output it
Delete the source and all its outgoing edges from G
Return that G is not a DAG

Published on October 27, 2015

Compile By Hand

Basic arithmetic

g = h + A[8]; 
// r0 stores A array; r1 stores h; r2 to store g.
ADD r0, r0, #32
LDR r3, [r0]
@ r0 = &A + 8 * 4, since int is of 4 bytes.
LDR r3, [r0, #32]

Accessing arrays

void foo (int *p, int size){
    // p stored in r2, size stored in r1
    *p = 0; 
    *(p + 1) = 0;
    *(p + size - 1) = 0;
MOV r2, #0; @ store 0 in *p
STR r2, [r0] @ *p = 0
MOV r3, #4
ADD r4, r0, r3 @ p + 1 in C
STR r2, [r4] @ store 0 in *(p + 1)
SUB r1, r1, #1 @ r1  = size - 1
MUL r4, r1, r3 @ r4 = r1 * r3
STR r2, [r0, r4] @ store 0 in *(p + size - 1)

Data transfer instructions

void swap (int *x, int *y){
    // x stored in r0, y stored in r1
    int tmp = *x;
    *x = *y;
    *y = tmp;
LDR r2, [r0] 
@ Load *x from memory and store in r2
LDR r3, [r1]
@ Load *y from memory and store in r3
STR r3, [r0]
@ Store r3 in register to *x in memory
MOV r2, [r1]
@ Store r2 (tmp) in register to *y in memory

Linked lists

head -> value = 100;
head -> *next -> value = 100; 
// r0 stores the first value
MOV r1, #100
STR r1, [r0] @ store to memory
LDR r3, [r0, #4] @ store 100 to next value
STR r1, [r3]
Published on October 26, 2015

ARM Instruction

ARM goto Instruction

goto label (C) is the same as B label in ARM.

Conditional Branch

  1. Set the condition bits (N, Z, V, C) in the program status register.
  2. Then check on these condition bits to branch conditionally.

Conditional bits

N = 1 if result is Negative

Z = 1 if result is Zero

V = 1 if there’s overflow

C = 1 if there’s carry out

SUBS (with the ending S) sets conditional bits in cpsr register.

SUBS r1, r0, #0

r0 = r1 – #0, and set the condition bits NZVC based on the result.
If r1==r2, then N = 0, Z= 1, V = 0, C =1
If r < r2 (no overflow), then N =1, Z = 0, V=0

Another way to do that is to use a ‘Comparison Instruction’

CMP r1, r2
BEQ label  @if Z = 1, then go to label
COM r0, #4
BEQ this_instr
ADD r4, r5, r6
B end
this_instr: SUB r0, r0, #1
if(r0 == 4)
    r0 --;
r4 = r5 + r6;
if(r0 != 4)
    r4 = r5 + r6;
r0 --;

ARM Decision Instructions


The condition is T/F based upon the fields in the Program Status Register.


if (x==y)
    x += y;
    x -= y;
CMP r01, r1
BNE else_aprt
ADD r0, r0, r1
B end
else_part: SUB r0, r0,r1
Published on October 23, 2015